Friday, 4 January 2008

4th January - 4 Days in!!

Firstly some Birthday greetings that i feel are very special -

  • Niki - Happy Birthday, you know who you are and how special you are as my friend, sounding board, and help. Thank you
  • Harvey - Today you are 1 and with everything ahead of you, keep smiling little one and enjoying what life has to offer
  • Si - Tomorrow is your big day, after many years of friendship you are still the best i can ask for, raise a glass from me if i cannot be with you physically.
  • Grandad - On the 8th of this month you will be 91, what an achievement. Over the past years you have seen so much, fought in a war for our freedom and still found time to bring up 2 children. One of which is the Mother of my wife and because of you a great in-law. Happy Birthday and congratulations from All

Post a comment if it is your birthday or a loved ones and my Best Wishes go out to all.....

And so today i have no real rant about issues, no "grumpy" man stuff. Just thoughts of the future and how we can address it -

Niki, Si (and Me!!) are midway through our time, have we achieved? Certainly we have seen a lot, done a lot, cried often and laughed as much. We are all married, Niki and i have children, Si is not this mad, or just not ready yet!! In our own small worlds we give as much as we can. Sometimes we despair and sometimes we don't. We don't always achieve all that is required and we don't always feel we have achieved at all, however, looking from outside maybe we are "up the tree" and lucky as we have families and friends. We care for others and they care for us in their own way. Maybe we are doing ok??!!

As regards Harvey, he is 1. what a chance, now we all marvel at every small achievement and growth. We watch in wonder as that small person explores all around. And he is growing and will grow so quickly, before we know it Harvey will be 4 and then 7 and then 10 and suddenly he will be 18 and above and all grown up. So we must hang on to his coattails now and hope he takes us along for the ride.

And finally Grandad, he is 91 next week. Now 91 is a phenominal achievement in itself, and believe me not much passes him by. He may get names muddled up, and maybe he can't remember what was for Breakfast, but, his memory is fine and after 91 years worth of experience think of what he can teach. He has seen horrors, wonders, events and happenings and whilst we clamour for hindsight he has it at his fingertips.

I may not reach 91, i may not reach 39 who knows, but i can only hope that i have an ounce of this statesmans knowledge and integrity to carry me forwards.

So here is the thought, the view for today -

When we are born do we get assigned a guide. During the first formative years are they around a lot? how many times do our young children say someone is with them and they aren't scared?

During our middle life does our guides steering diminish as we make our own judgements or mistakes? Does the guide just step in when needed? How often has someone been in dreams that we can't quite identify?

And then as we grow old, and near our current lifes end, does the guide become more visible to us? Does the guide then impart knowledge to allow a smooth and prepared for passing to whatever is next?

Now we might not know, and we might only realize at the end when it is too late to share, but maybe this theory, and it is only a theory, has some element of truth in it. Maybe this thought will help us all. It may be utter rubbish, but it might not be, and this small idea might allow the future to become clearer for us all in some way.

Why not add your views too??

1 comment:

si said...


Thanks - I'll have several for you