Friday was a "boys night out" and we sat around laughing and joking and generally just enjoying the company of others. Some of the conversation was very light and involved a number of jokes and stories that may have been the truth or a version of the truth. Some of the conversations were very deep, black and heavy. But above all it involved a small number of Fathers, spending a few hours together and not having any of the distractions of home or the worries of day to day living being in our forefront.
And so to the "rant" ................
One of the discussions and subsequent decisions we made was to form a "mans" bookclub. The only qualification for joining is that you must be male!! The idea is to meet every few months, in a local hostelry, purely as a good meeting place, discuss the previous book we all agreed upon and then decide on the next book to read and discuss.
Current ideas for the 1st book are very varied -
- The Bible
- The book about how all religions mesh together
- The Beano Annual
- Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
- Horid Henry
- Wilbur Smiths
- The Koran
- The Kite Runner
- The Dark Trilogy
- Terry Pratchet
As we can see a number of themes exist, we can see what our children are getting for Christmas!! We can see a religious theme as a great source of dicussions, but maybe too spiritual!! We can see a great novel theme.........
I think we have to review where we all read - on trains, on planes, in hotels, in the toilet(!!). if we read the Koran in some of these places e mjay get arrested, if we read a tome on a train or plane we might get strange looks, and in hotels the only thing in the drawers is normally a bible!! As for reading in the toilet............
But we all feel that the Book Club is a great idea, and so i invite any suggestions for books, i invite new members and i am sure we can also form some sort of internet book club, and if you feel madness has set inm tell me. I welcome ALL comments..........
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