Thursday, 27 December 2007

Todays Rant

It is only fair that today i also have what i feel is a justified rant............

I took the children earlier this afternoon to our local park. My eldest 2 went off to play football on the field whilst my youngest (4 years old) stayed in the playground with me enjoying the swings, slide and other rides.

The playground also had a large family in-situ - everyone from Grandad to Grand Children, including mothers and fathers. The family were very typical "well to do" people with children called Edward and Sebastian. No doubt the mothers or aunts were called Sophie!!

In fairness the sister in the family remained outside the playground with the her beagle dog. Very commendable, the dog is outside the playground, on a lead and in the park. The same park where the children play football, ride bikes and run around. The same piece of park where the adjoining house (with young children) has a gate into it.

The sister was told by the mother that the children didn't use this part of the park, a great statement as it was empty just then.

This is the park that runs around the new playground that we all spent a long time raising money for earlier this year, and Cheri Blair opened. So the grass surrounding the playground is the exact area that ALL THE CHILDREN USE as they play "tag" and similar children's games.

So why has the dog handler now let her dog foul the area and defecate all over it? Why is she concerned that her dog only seems to have loose stools in the afternoon, and not in the morning or evening, but apparently unconcerned that children will now get covered in this mess? Why are the accompanying parents, with young children, or the grandfather, seemingly not worried about their children?

Having voiced an opinion to this let me explain why.............

I asked the dog handler to put the mess in the "poo bins" provided, i was told she couldn't pick it up as the stools were loose, wouldn't therefore be placeable in the bag she had with her. Her family - fathers and all - stayed silent!! i suggested that when the children were covered in mess i would send them round to hers.

And here is the clincher and reason for the silence - i was told this was fine as she lived miles away so how could the children bring round dirty clothes anyway!! now i have to assume that the silence implies that everyone was from a long way away and as the mess is not on their doorstep why should they care. The dog handlers beligerance was great to see!!!

I care, i have children who are like magnets for mess, however smelly, i don't want poorly children, i don't want unhappy children and i don't want ruined clothes and shoes, and i don't want other local parents to suffer through this inconsiderate nature

Maybe i seem like a do gooder, maybe i rant too much, but i feel strongly about this, and i feel it displays a typically blase nature by certain parts of society.

Let me know how you all feel about this, and maybe, and i don't know how, but maybe we can change a little part of this dire attitude............

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